Why subscribe?
The best advice I ever got when I first started working drug cases was this: “Read everything you can about drugs, even if you disagree with it.” Soon, I realized everything I was reading was outdated. As I gained more experience with drug enforcement, I decided to start this email bulletin to help others learn more. That list started with 35 names (35 people who happened to sign up for a class I presented). Today we are over 13,000 strong! So, what are you going to get if you pay for this newsletter?
✅ Free Drug Trends Class (a $100 value) (for those signing up for the yearly plan only)
✅ Free Training (for both monthly and yearly plans)
✅ Downloads like reports (for both monthly and yearly plans)
✅ Professional guides to help you better at your job! (for both monthly and yearly plans)
The Insider Briefing with Keith Graves
Every Wednesday I’ll have an exclusive insight into the world of illicit drugs. Join me as I give you a look at a specific topic in drug enforcement and intelligence, with expert analysis and insider tips to help you stay ahead of the curve. Don't miss out on this must-attend event for anyone working in law enforcement or the drug testing industry.
Stay informed and stay ahead in the world of illicit drugs with The Drug Intelligence Bulletin. As a subscriber, you'll receive the latest and most reliable information on new drugs and trends, keeping you up-to-date and informed. Plus, as a paid subscriber, you'll also have access to video-based training opportunities. Whether you work in law enforcement or the drug testing industry, staying informed and connected can help you be more effective in your role. Join our community of like-minded individuals and subscribe to The Drug Intelligence Bulletin today.
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Join our community and connect with others who share your interests. By subscribing to "The Drug Intelligence Bulletin," you'll be part of a like-minded group of individuals who are dedicated to staying informed about the latest developments in the illicit drug world.