What Emerging Drugs To Test for When Doing Drug Toxicology
The drug landscape is changing drastically. On average two new synthetic drugs come to market each week. Some of these drugs die off, and we never hear about them again. Some of these drugs, though, going to become prevalent throughout the United States. CFSRE release information on what they think you should be testing for drug toxicology cases. These could be complex DUI cases or they could be drug induced homicide cases. It is something to keep in mind as you continue want to do your investigations.
If you want to know more about these drugs, look in the search bar above, because I probably written about them already. If I haven't written about it, I will be shortly.
Note: Listed next to each NPS are suggested cut-off concentrations or reporting limits (in ng/mL). These values were determined based on currently available quantitative data and/or comparison to structurally similar NPS within the given sub-class. Arrows before the NPS name indicate how the drugs is moving among the tiers in comparison to the previous quarterly recommendation (no arrow indicates no change in tier).