Getting High on Kava by Vaping & Drinking it as a Tea
Getting High on Kava by Vaping It
Kava is an herb that is harvested from a shrub that grows in the South Sea islands. Although it is useful for anxiety, restlessness, sleep disturbances, and stress, there are safety concerns following several reports of hepatotoxicity and liver failure occurring with relatively normal doses used for a short term. Kava is considered unsafe due to many reports of fatal effects on the liver, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver failure.
Many people from the South Pacific use this to get high on Kava on a routine basis. Officers have run across people high on Kava and have asked a number of questions about its use as an intoxicant. Most Importantly, Kava is a CNS Depressant. That means that a person under the influence of Kava will have the signs and symptoms of CNS Depressant use. Those signs and symptoms will include horizontal gaze nystagmus, a lack of convergence and possibly vertical gaze nystagmus. Essentially, they will appear as if they are drunk on alcohol without the odor of an alcoholic beverage on their person.
Some of the common names for kava include Kava; Kawa; Awa; Waka; Lawena; Sakau; Yaqona.
Ways People are Getting High on Kava
Brewing it in a tea: This was the most common way of doing kava. Users would grind up the kava into a powder and mix it into a tea and drink it.
Kava capsules: That same powder is put in gelatin capsules and then swallowed to get high.
Smoking: Some people have reportedly smoked kava to get high.
Vaping: vaping is a new way of getting high on kava. Users will extract kava from the kava plant much like you would from extracting honey oil from marijuana. We have a great article on how to do that here.
If you want to read a thread on users commenting on getting high on kava, you can visit this link on
Kava and the law
Kava is legal to possess and consume in the United States. However, other laws may apply for a person abusing it. As an example, there have been people arrested for driving under the influence of Kava. If you are an officer and encounter a person high on kava, conduct a standard DUI investigation that you have been trained for. You may also want to document the following if you observe it: nystagmus and lack of convergence, pulse rate, speech pattern, general appearance (drunken appearance, etc), condition of eyelids (droopy, etc), and condition of eyes.
Here are some general characteristics of CNS Depressant influence:
