The proliferation of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid, has resulted in a substantial increase in drug overdose fatalities in the United States in recent years. It has been discovered that there has been a shift in the type of fentanyl that law enforcement organizations are confiscating, according to recent research. It is critical for police officers to be aware of these developments and to take precautions when dealing with drugs.
Counterfeit Pills Are on the Rise
According to a study issued in Drug and Alcohol Dependence (Palamar et al., 2022), counterfeit prescription pills contaminated with fentanyl have become more prevalent. Those who obtain counterfeit pills, such as those that appear to be oxycodone or alprazolam, are at risk of unintended fentanyl exposure. This is a particular concern for law enforcement personnel who may come into contact with these medications.

Fentanyl Powder Seizures Skyrocketing
The research also revealed that the amount of powdered fentanyl seizures has increased, indicating an expansion in the supply of illicit fentanyl. This poses a risk of overdose fatalities, as fentanyl is an extremely potent drug.
This study's findings, which provide a summary of a more extensive research initiative, underscore the need for law enforcement agencies to be watchful in their efforts to combat the trafficking of illicit fentanyl. The shift towards fentanyl-laced pills as a common form of the drug increases the risk of accidental exposure, making it crucial for officers to take extra precautions when handling these types of drugs. The rise in the amount of powdered fentanyl seizures emphasizes the critical need for targeted prevention and harm reduction programs to address this public health crisis.
Palamar, J. J., Ciccarone, D., Rutherford, C., Keyes, K. M., Carr, T. H., & Cottler, L. B. (2022). Trends in seizures of powders and pills containing illicit fentanyl in the United States, 2018 through 2021. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 233, 109398.